Thursday, April 23, 2015

不是鴨肉,是香噴噴蜂蜜烤雞腿 Roast honey chicken

前陣子討論著我們是不是很久沒烤雞腿了,於是馬上計畫一下,烤給自己吃也順便烤給大家吃。一邊烤著去骨蜜汁雞腿,數量是三十隻,小烤箱一次只能烤六隻棒棒腿,前前後後烤了三小時才完工。不過真的好好吃歐,再辛苦也沒關係,老大同事們也稱讚好好吃,不過有幾個荷蘭人竟然以為是烤鴨!!應該是我烤到眼花,有些不小心烤太久,變成同事口中好好吃的烤鴨!不知道該哭還是該笑 XDDD

準備時間 20 分鐘
等待時間 一晚
烹飪時間 20-25 分鐘

Roast honey chicken
Preparation time : 20 minutes
Waiting time : one night
Cooking time : 20-25 minutes

雞腿 6隻
醬油 40cc
米酒 2T
黑胡椒粉 適量
紅椒粉 適量
辣椒粉 適量
麻油 1T
蜂蜜 2T
鹽 1/2t
蔥 1支
薑 1小塊
蒜 3瓣

6 chicken legs
40cc soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice wine
a pinch of black pepper
a pinch of chili powder
a pinch of red pepper powder 
1 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1 green onion
1 small piece of ginger
3 garlic 


Remove bones from the chicken legs and drain the chicken for later.

Mince scallions, ginger and garlic. Put them together with chicken in a container.

Pour in soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and all the spices. Stir well and put them in the refrigerator. Marinate the chicken for one night.

烤箱預熱 428°F (220°C) 度。烤盤鋪上一層錫箔紙,放置烤箱下層,用於接烤雞滴下來的油方便事後清洗。
Preheat oven to 428°F (220°C). Line the baking tray with aluminum foil and put it at the bottom level of the oven. The foil will make it easy to clean afterward.

將醃製後的雞腿皮朝上放置鐵架上,雞腿表面刷上一層蜂蜜,放進烤箱烘烤以 428°F (220°C) 烘烤 10 分鐘。
Take the chicken from the refrigerator, put them on a roasting pan, and brush the top side of chicken with honey. Next, roast it for 10 minutes at 428°F (220°C).

取出烤盤,將雞腿翻面,再刷上一層蜂蜜,放進烤箱以 350°F (175°C) 烘烤 5-7 分鐘。
Remove the chicken from the oven. Turn the chicken upside down and brush it with honey again. Then roast it with lower heat at 350°F (175°C) for another 5-7 minutes.

再翻回皮朝上,可以再刷一層薄薄的蜂蜜,烘烤 5-7 分鐘至金黃微焦即可。
Turn the chicken upside down and brush it with honey again if you want. Roast it for another 5-7 minutes until golden brown.


The time period should be adjusted according to the condition of your oven.
Adjust the marinade depending on your own taste. 
Place a small cup of hot water inside the oven when you start to roast, it will make it easier to clean up afterwards.  

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